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Help make mentally healthy secondary schools

From March, Mentally Healthy Schools (MHS) will also cater to students from secondary schools and further education colleges.

Did you know that in the UK, one in six children between the ages of 5 and 19 has an identifiable mental health condition? Half of all mental health problems in adults are established by the age of 14, which means early identification and support is vital for young people.

That’s why, from March, Mentally Healthy Schools (MHS) will also cater to students from secondary schools and further education colleges. We will build on our current digital library of quality assured resources, adding over 100 new resources for secondary schools alongside our existing resources for primary school pupils.

With the help of these free resources, teachers can help children, young people and their families get the support they need when they need it. To access our new resources, sign up to our exclusive newsletter where we share evidence-based resources around a monthly mental health theme. Please help us share the news with your friends and colleagues who may be interested in signing up too.

We would love for you to be able to share the news on digital platforms. Please do get in touch if you are able to support the launch by emailing