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MenACWY vaccination programme

Parents urged to remind teenagers to get vaccinated against deadly meningitis and septicaemia.

  • Cases of meningitis and septicaemia caused by an aggressive MenW strain are on the rise
  • The first 18 months of the MenACWY vaccination programme saw more than 2 million teenagers receive the MenACWY vaccine, but there are still many more that need it and can have it
  • 18 year olds should be given MenACWY vaccine now by their GP practice
  • In addition, teenagers and young adults who have missed their MenACWY vaccination in previous years are also urged to contact their GP practice
  • The MenACWY vaccine is the best form of protection against these deadly diseases, with a 100% effectiveness rate so far.

A meningitis survivor from Surrey has joined health experts in urging teenagers to get vaccinated against deadly meningitis and septicaemia(blood poisoning), and their parents to remind them.

Public Health England and NHS England are encouraging young people across Surrey and Sussex who are going to college or university this autumn to get the MenACWY jab before they go.Those who are due to leave school this summer, or aged 17-18 and are not in school (born between 1 September 1998 and 31 August 1999) are now eligible.

Cases of meningitis and septicaemia caused by an aggressive MenW strain are on the rise andhave been increasing year-on-year in England, from 22 cases in 2009 to 176 cases in 2015.

Twenty-five year old Sophie Royce from Reigate, Surrey survived MenW septicaemia at the age of 21 in July 2013 - which was before the MenACWY vaccine had been introduced. She was in hospital for a total of eight weeks and has since undergone 30 surgeries as she had to lose the tips of her fingers and ends of her feet. She’s now at university training to become a nurse.

Miss Royce said: “The MenACWY vaccine protects against four strains of meningococcal disease which causes meningitis and septicaemia, known as strains A, C, W and Y. MenW is one of the most aggressive and life threatening forms and meningococcal disease can be fatal. Many survivors are left with life changing disabilities, including brain damage and loss of limbs. The MenACWY vaccine remains the best form of protection against the A, C, W, and Y strains with a 100% effectiveness rate in those that have been vaccinated so far.

Max Kammerling, Public Health Screening and Immunisation lead for Kent and Medway, said: “The MenACWY vaccination programme will save lives and prevent lifelong and devastating disability.

“We have seen a rapid increase in Men W cases across England in recent years and vaccination is the most effective way of protecting against infection.

“Young people are particularly at risk as they are carriers of the disease. Being in confined environments with close contact, such university halls, hostels when travelling, or attending festivals, increase the chances of infection if unprotected.

“Get vaccinated as soon as possible, remain vigilant and seek urgent medical help if you have concerns for yourself or friends.”

New entrants to higher education (university freshers) are also eligible. Anyone who is eligible and has missed vaccination in previous years remains eligible up to their 25th birthday and is urged to have the MenACWY vaccine.“

While the vaccine also helps protect against Men A, C, W and Y, it does not cover all forms of meningococcal disease. It is therefore important for parents and young people to be vigilant in spotting early symptoms and to seek early medical assistance if they are concerned. Not everyone will develop these symptoms and they can appear in any order but common symptoms may include:

  • Pale, blotchy skin with or without a rash
  • Irritability and/or confusion
  • Severe headache, joint or muscle pains
  • Dislike of bright lights
  • Stiff neck
  • Convulsions/seizures
  • Fever, cold hands and feet
  • Vomiting and/or diarrhoea
  • Drowsiness, difficult to wake up.

Dr Tom Nutt, Chief Executive at the charity Meningitis Now, said: “It’s vital that young people and their parents are not complacent about the threat of meningitis, and we urge all those eligible for this lifesaving vaccination to arrange to get it today. Meningitis can be a devastating disease, killing one in ten and leaving a third of survivors with lifelong after-effects such as hearing loss, epilepsy, limb loss or learning difficulties.

“With teenagers being a high-risk group, we welcome this timely reminder for parents to ensure their loved ones take this easy step to help protect themselves.”