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RAISEonline Update

Key Stage 4 validated data now available in RAISEonline.

The 2015 Key Stage 4 validated data are now available in RAISEonline. The summary reports will be updated from 9am on Tuesday 22 March 2016 and the inspection dashboards from 9am on Thursday 24 March 2016.

Please note the national values for Progress 8, Attainment 8 and value added reports have been
updated. Destinations reports have also been revised to incorporate the latest published data.

The Key Stage 4 validated data reflect the outcome of requests for changes that schools may have submitted during the schools performance tables’ checking period, where these were received within the deadline and met the required criteria. The validated data also include changes made as a result of marking reviews, but may not reflect the outcome of any late or ongoing appeals, changes made after publication of the performance tables or of late-resolved maladministration cases.

Absence data

The 2015 absence data for special schools will be released by 9am on Monday 4 April 2016.

Guidance and support

Information about the methodology used for producing RAISEonline reports can be found in the library accessible from RAISEonline homepage. To view the whole spectrum of available documents, we recommend you log into the system prior to accessing the library.

FAQs are available on the front page after you log in. Further information is also available in the help box within each interactive report.

If your query remains unresolved after trying these options, please use the Contact us facility on RAISEonline or email

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