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Survey of secondary aged children health needs

Kent Public Health is conducting a survey to understand the health needs of secondary school aged children in Kent.

Secondary schools have been invited to take part as we are specifically interested in your views of this age group as you have valuable knowledge and contributions to help describe the health needs of this population.

The information gathered from the survey will help formulate a health needs assessment of secondary school aged children in Kent with the purpose to gain an in depth understanding of the needs and priorities of this population to enable effective planning, prioritisation, development, or services to improve outcomes for the population. Health needs assessments are a continued cycle to review both positive and negative issues facing a population, leading to findings and subsequent recommendations to improve health and reduce inequalities. They can be used to inform health service planning, priority setting, policy development and to support non health organisations.

Please complete the survey.

The survey will close on Wednesday 5 July at 5pm.

If you have any questions or queries, please contact Nathalie Reeves, Public Health Specialist, by emailing or calling 03000 41 43 88.

Contact details

Nathalie Reeves, Public Health Specialist
Telephone: 03000 41 43 88.