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Take part in Mind's survey into mental health and secondary schools

Mind want to hear from staff working in secondary schools in England as part of 'Educating Mental Health: Mind’s inquiry into mental health in schools'.

The survey will take 15-20 minutes to complete and closes on March 31 2021. To thank you for taking part in the survey, Mind are giving you the opportunity to enter into a free prize draw for the chance to win a £50 Amazon voucher.

They are interested in hearing about your experience of working with children and young people throughout secondary school - from year 7 to 11, plus sixth form. Your answers will inform our recommendations to the UK Government on how to ensure school staff have the support they need to enable children and young people to access effective mental health care.

Mind will be publishing the findings and recommendations to the UK Government later this year and can share the full results of the survey with you, if you provide your email address.