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REMINDER - Young Consumers of the Year competition

This is a reminder about the closing date for the Young Consumers of the Year competition.

This is a competition for teams of four students aged 14-17. Subjects include consumer law, managing money, food and health, safety and the environment.

The competition is both educational and fun and whilst helping students to develop their personal life skills it also gives them a practical understanding of their consumer rights and encourages them to become confident consumers.

The quiz tests their knowledge on a wide range of subjects, such as consumer law, food and health, safety and the environment, managing money and finance, credit and the European dimension.

We are now inviting teams of four students to participate in the 2017 London/Kent competition.

Competition rules

  • The competition is open to teams of four students
  • Team members must be aged between 14 and 17 years at the start of the competition. They must not have reached the age of 18 before 1 January 2017.
  • Each school can enter an unlimited number of teams (only one entry per team)
  • All questions are multiple-choice
  • Allow one hour to complete the questions.

How to enter

  • Teachers must request a question pack by email to
  • A question pack will be emailed to those teachers that have requested them (photocopy as many packs as necessary). They will also receive the answer pack for teachers use only
  • Teachers will mark their team entries and send us details of the highest scoring team (must include student names and DOB) by email to
  • The closing date to send details of scores is Friday 16 June 2017
  • All teachers will be informed of the results and the overall highest scoring team as soon as possible
  • The highest scoring team will gain a place at the London finals.

See the Young Consumers of the Year Competition 2017 (PDF, 112.1 KB) letter for more information.

The closing date for you to inform me of your highest scoring team must be sent to me via email to by Friday 16 June 2017.

Please make sure when sending the details of the highest scoring team, that it includes the four student names and their DOB.

London Final Event (for Kent overall winning team)

Please note the date of the event has now changed and the details are:
Date: Friday 6 October 2017
Time: 10am-4:30pm
Venue: City Hall, London

Contact Details

Sian Crowhurst
Telephone: 03000 41 74 08