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The KentChoices consultation for schools on the future development of the online area prospectus and application system will be run at two venues across Kent on Wednesday 18 January and are appropriate for careers teachers, heads of sixth and their administrators.

Have you signed up yet for the Effective Professional Development course which starts on 18 January 2023? This Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) course aims to improve the quality of teaching and learning by understanding how to change our habits in the classroom and explore what models for professional development are most likely to support teacher development. It will be delivered by Kent’s Associate Research School, Kingsnorth and there are still some places available.

The VSK Advisory Team are pleased to share with you the following opportunities, which are designed to bring us together in our support of young people who have been supported by social services (including the Ever6 CWSW, PLAC and CiC cohorts).

From Sunday 1 January 2023 the Kent School Health service will be joining with the Children’s Immunisation team to provide a single phone number for School Age Public Health Services provided by Kent Community Health NHS Trust.

The Try Angle Awards recognise the outstanding efforts and achievements of young people and groups who really try their best whether at school, work, college, in business or in their wider community across Kent.

Have you signed up yet for the Effective Learning Behaviours course which starts on 5 December 2022? This Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) course will be delivered by Kent’s Associate Research School, Kingsnorth.

Do you know somebody who can be a Teaching Assistant? Please share this information within your networks.

The November 2022 edition of the East Kent Partnership Bulletin.

The Prevent Education Officer Newsletter for November 2022.

The 2022 School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD) has now been published by the DfE.

Security Virus Alert

Keep your computer protected

Important information for schools to protect your computer from the current virus threat.

Read more about Keep your computer protected

KCC news

Kent County Council (KCC) is asking for views as part of its review of our maintained special schools.

A consultation has launched seeking views on Kent County Council’s (KCC) proposed policy for supporting children and young people who miss school owing to their health or medical needs.

Exams can be a stressful time for any child, but for those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), the challenges can be even greater.

View more KCC news