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Submit news or events

Every week during term time we provide news, events, training information and an update from Christine McInnes to Kent schools and subscribers of our Kelsi eBulletin.

All the items are published online on the Kelsi website and can be read at anytime of the day on any device.

Read the latest:

Subscribe to the weekly email

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If you would like a weekly email delivered to your inbox to show you the top news for that week, make sure you have subscribed to our eBulletin email.

You can still view all the latest news and events even if you don't subscribe.

Subscribe to the Kelsi eBulletin

Update your details
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If you have already subscribed and your details have changed, make sure you update your details to continue receiving the weekly eBulletin.

If your email details have changed please email

Submit an item
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Complete the request form and attach any documents you need. You will receive email confirmation with a reference number and a copy of your submission. You can also save the form and return to it later before submitting.

If you would like a reminder item published, please complete the request form.

We do not automatically publish every item submitted. Every article that we receive is checked to see if it is complete and suitable for publication.

We only include items submitted from the local authority or from Kent schools.

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The deadline for submissions is by 5pm on Mondays for inclusion in that week's eBulletin.

If you miss the deadline we will automatically defer your item to the next available week.

You can submit an item at any time, specifying on the form which day you would like it included.

Our policy
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Our policy is that we will not forward advertising from "unknown" or "unofficial" sources to our schools and staff. If a proposed E-bulletin article is purely personal promotion (which could be considered "spam") it would probably not be included. This also covers fundraising and commercial companies wanting KCC advertising or "backing" for their products.

Our duty as a Local Authority, in the DFE code of practice for LA/school communication, is to protect schools from the burden of bureaucracy. We do not pass on school email addresses to third party organisations, nor can we take responsibility for advertising resources we are not in a position to check ourselves. Any curriculum based activities recommended to Kent schools by KCC through our bulletin would need to be checked and endorsed by the relevant member of staff before they could be listed.

As a local authority, we have a statutory duty to gatekeep school email addresses (DfES Code of Practice on LA-School Communications, Annex 4).

Rather than overloading school mailboxes with hundreds of individual messages, the E-Bulletin allows a single weekly update to be the source of all important communications.

If the information you want to send the schools is purely locality based (e.g. specific to Maidstone schools only) we can ask the local partnership manager for that area to pass on the message through their own communication channels.

If your unit or team has a page on KELSI, we can also consider using that page to include news and events (supported by an E-Bulletin item to alert schools).

If the reason you want to send a message out to schools using the bulletin is purely to undertake promotional activities (which could be considered "spam"), this will be refused.

We appreciate that occasionally it is necessary to alert all Kent schools urgently, and we will consider all individual requests for an urgent email to be sent to all Kent schools on their own merits. Please email us at to discuss your requirements.