Pupil Premium - Sharing Best Practice
Practical Pupil Premium Strategy toolkits containing advice and guidance, prompts, proformas and exemplars - available here
Many schools in Kent are successful in their use of Pupil Premium spending to raise achievement. These case studies provide examples of good practice.
- Brockhill case study (DOCX, 16.9 KB)
- The Malling case study (DOCX, 91.5 KB)
- Ideas from Kent schools for PP spend - less than 15% PP (DOCX, 25.9 KB)
- Ideas from Kent schools for PP spend - more than 15% PP (DOCX, 29.8 KB)

- Features of practice in schools (PPTX, 59.1 KB)
- Ofsted letter to school leaders - disadvantaged pupils improvement (PDF, 197.6 KB)
- Questions and activities to support self-evaluation (DOCX, 23.2 KB)
- Self or peer review - ideas for a toolkit (DOC, 48.5 KB)
- Working with parents and pupils (DOCX, 18.3 KB)
- Thinking Template:
- Education Endowment Foundation guidance reports
- Learning from Success - research paper (DOCX, 126.8 KB)
- Disadvantaged Family Case Study (DOCX, 17.9 KB)
- Disadvantaged Pupil Case Study Frank (DOCX, 117.1 KB)
- Disadvantaged Pupil Case Study Agusia (DOCX, 106.7 KB)
- Disadvantaged Pupil Case Study Sammy (DOCX, 110.6 KB)
- Disadvantaged Pupil Case Study Billy (DOCX, 109.5 KB)
- Disadvantaged Pupil Case Study Cassy (DOCX, 111.5 KB)