Financial control
Schools are funded from public money and are bound by the Local Authority's requirements on financial controls and monitoring. Governing bodies must operate within the Scheme for Financing Schools and the financial controls below.
The Schools Financial Services team will periodically carry out Compliance Visits to every school to check the school is maintaining accurate records and adhering to the financial controls.
All schools also come within the Internal Audit regime determined by Kent County Council and may be subject to a visit as part of the Internal Audit programme. They will also check the school is maintaining accurate records and adhering to the financial controls.
Financial Controls

- Financial Control 1: Bank Account Scheme (PDF, 261.3 KB)
- Financial Control 2: Budgetary control and reconciliation (PDF, 115.9 KB)
- Financial Control 3: Financing major purchases (loans and leases) (PDF, 350.5 KB)
- Financial Control 3a: Loan application form (XLSX, 285.2 KB)
- Financial Control 3b: You can now generate your own loan quote using the new Loan Quote Tool (XLSX, 144.3 KB) without the need to contact Schools Financial Services
- Financial Control 4: Governor's guidance notes on the management of school finances (PDF, 241.4 KB)
- Financial Control 5: Guidance for schools in financial difficulty incorporating the Licensed Deficit Application (DOCX, 61.9 KB)
- Financial Control 5a: Application for approval of redundancy costs (DOCX, 60.9 KB)
- Financial Control 6: Handover of financial assets and account due to change of Headteacher (DOCX, 32.6 KB)
- Financial Control 7: Orders for goods and services and payment of accounts (PDF, 229.7 KB)
- Financial Control 7a: Reimbursement of orders for goods and services (Appendix A)
- Financial Control 8: Receipt of income, security and banking (PDF, 92.2 KB)
- Financial Control 9: Salary payments and subsistence (PDF, 141.9 KB)
- Financial Control 10: Security of equipment, assets and financial system (PDF, 97.0 KB)
- Cash flow template (XLSX, 92.0 KB)
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