Adoptions - Record Management
Updating computer records once a child is adopted

Once a child has received a Court Order Adoption and has therefore been legally adopted, it is vital that the child’s records held on school and Local Authority computer systems are updated to reflect this change.
Every school must change the child’s record and when the details come through the electronic files to the LA, the LA will update their databases.
- The school must create a brand new record for the child in their new name with a new UPN.
- The school must then end the current record for the child by treating them as a leaver. Off roll them from the end of the last term. Attendance for the new admission will need to be added onto the new record, therefore please make a note of the attendance from the old record before you off-roll the child.
- In completing this procedure there must be no connection between the two records, so all links must be deleted.
For further details on how to carry out this work if your school uses SIMS the adoption process guidance for SIMS schools (PDF, 404.5 KB) will help you.
For further details on how to carry out this work if your school does not use SIMS , the adoption process guidance for non-SIMS schools (PDF, 77.9 KB) will help you.
- Paperwork:
- Pre-adoption Paperwork
- SEN and Health Records Paperwork
- School Census - if a school is concerned how to now record the child on the school census return, please look at the latest DFE guidance under “post looked after.”
- CTF file - please do not create a CTF as we do not need to trace where the child has moved to as this would generate staff looking for a missing child, who obviously doesn’t exist.
- Off Rolling - please do not off roll the child on the KCC Digital Front Door site.
The following guidance is for all Kent Looked After Children, who leave care under an Adoption Order. For children in care of other local authorities, please contact the child’s social worker for advice.
Pre-adoption Safeguarding File - Any Principle Copies (originated from school) need to be sealed, with an attached Compliments Slip outlining the child’s Birth name, D.O.B. and original UPN number. This needs to be sealed in a confidential envelope and sent, by Special Delivery to:
Elizabeth Barber
Information Resilience and Transparency Team
Governance, Law and Democracy
Chief Executive’s Department
Room 2.64
Sessions House
ME14 1XQ
KCC do not need to receive any documentation where KCC are the ‘Principle’ owners. For example, if you have copies of Child in Need or Child Protection minutes, these do not need to be sent for archiving, as KCC is the Principle record owner.
If the child has a current SEN status we understand this will prove a problem if you cannot move relevant documents onto the new record. Therefore, please seek advice on how to resolve this with the SEN team at KCC.
If you have any SEN records, formal educational and/or medical assessments that may, in the future be helpful - please file these separately, as part of the Pre-adoptive safeguarding information to be sent to:
Elizabeth Barber
Information Resilience and Transparency Team
Governance, Law and Democracy
Chief Executive’s Department
Room 2.64
Sessions House
ME14 1XQ
Non-Agency Adoption
The only exception to the usual rules of issuing a new UPN and creating a new record for an adopted child is when the adoption is within the direct family. For example, adoption by a step-parent where no significant changes are made to the child’s identity and there are no safeguarding concerns.
In other cases i.e. adoption by a wider family member, the DfE guidance states that it is permissible to retain the previous UPN when the adoption creates no safeguarding risks to the pupil, for example where the child has remained within the same school and has undergone no material changes in identity. The DfE have also stated that this is only allowed when express permission has been granted by both the pupil’s adopted parents and the designated manager of the local authority’s adoption service.