District Dashboard
Introduction and purpose

The District Dashboard (previously known as the CATIE dashboard) has been developed to support the Countywide Approach To Inclusive Education (CATIE) to ensure that Kent County Council (KCC), schools, Multi Academy Trusts (MATs), specialist and commissioned services and Health colleagues, can meet the needs of young people in schools. It is necessary to have a specific dataset with which schools and MATs can evaluate themselves and for services to be able to measure the impact of their activity.
As the Education Directorate is moving towards more local level decision making and the development of Local Inclusion Plans in line with the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and Alternative Provision (AP) Improvement Plan, it is also necessary to have a dataset to support local decision making. The dataset in the District Dashboard is designed for the following purpose:
- To have access to data and information to support impact analysis that is contextualised, and presents a richer, realistic picture.
- To support the development of locality collaborations, with collective influence over resources to meet the local needs.
- To provide data for schools and districts to support the Countywide Approach to Inclusive Education in Kent with which to base decisions regarding further interventions and training.
Intended use

The District Dashboard takes datasets from a variety of sources and are taken as a snapshot in time. There is a rolling programme of updates planned throughout each academic year. There will always be a lag but it provides KCC and schools with a baseline to inform decision making and the impact of decisions made.
The District Dashboard provides an important context within which a peer-to-peer school improvement system, with Inclusion at its core, can support peer to peer support and challenge within a culture of transparency. Individual school data is not accessible through the dashboard.
The District Dashboard is written using Microsoft Power Bi and is available here
To move between pages in the Dashboard please use the arrows at the bottom of the screen.
You may need to contact your IT support should your school not already use Power Bi as additional steps may be required such as creating a Microsoft account.
If you have any questions please email MIEducation&WiderEH@kent.gov.uk.