Reduced Timetable
As a Local Authority we are required to maintain a central record of all pupils who are not accessing a full time education in the usual way and schools have a responsibility to record and submit this information to us so that it can be monitored centrally. You should already be recording this information on the online form which can be found on the Digital Front door option 4, so that we can monitor the information in schools.
Part of the monitoring is to record those schools that do not have part-time timetable information as at census time for the current census term. For example, on the Spring 2024 Census day you may declare "nil return" for the Spring term collection period January to March 2024.
In order to collect this information we will send an email from mieducation& during Census week asking if you have a nil return for the current school term. If so, you will need to reply to the email with “nil return”. If you do not have a nil return for the current term, then this information should be recorded on the online form below as soon as you have the information:
Collection periods

Term |
Census Date |
Return Period |
Autumn 2024 | 3 October | 3 October to 17 October |
Spring 2024 | 18 January | 18 January to 1 February |
Summer 2024 | 16 May | 16 May to 30 May |