Clerk to Governors
Clerking Service

We can provide a trained and professional clerk to support your governing body. The clerk has a clearly specified and vital role in ensuring that the governing body is well organised and performs all its functions properly.
It is nationally acknowledged that a clerk with a wide range of high level skills and qualities is an invaluable resource to the effectiveness of your governing body.
We employ a pool of trained clerks who are updated on local and national developments to ensure a level of professionalism to their role. Our service will provide your governing body with a named clerk, endeavour to provide cover for that clerk in the event of their absence and undertake the employment and personnel functions on your behalf.
The Clerking Service SLA provides Governing Bodies with high quality, comprehensive advice and support, that is delivered by trained and experienced professional clerks. Please see the Clerking Service SLA for more information.

For further information on the Clerking service contact:
The Education People Clerking Service | clerkingservice | 03301 651100 |