Governor Services Team training and development
Governors are expected to have vision, be ambitious and set high expectations for the pupils in their care. There is a continuing national focus on governing bodies becoming more 'professional' in their practice, evident both in the current Ofsted framework where governance is judged as part of the leadership and management function and in the proposed changes to governance legislation driving 'smaller skills based' membership.
Ofsted reports make specific comments about the effectiveness of the governing body, and can include an instruction for an 'external review of governance' where performance is judged to 'require improvement'. Inspectors make reference to governor training undertaken and how this has enabled the governing body to operate more effectively.
It is fundamental that governing bodies annually review their performance, assess their skills, and develop a plan for appropriate professional development. In order to be successful each governor needs to fully understand the range of their responsibilities (including Chair, Vice Chair and Clerking roles) and be provided with opportunities to develop appropriate skills and experience to perform well.
Overall the governing body should demonstrate a balanced range of members with expertise to carry out their roles in developing vision, setting strategic direction, making sure money is well spent and holding their school to account for a good quality education for all of its pupils.
With this in mind, we have developed a comprehensive range of training. Subscription information is available in our Governor Services SLA
Governor Services training

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