Safer recruitment for governors
Recruitment is all about getting the right person, in the right place, at the right time - and it is crucial to organisational performance.
In a school, the notion of right person has added significance. It is vital that schools create a culture of safe practice. This includes making the right recruitment decisions. Safer recruitment is an important part of child protection and safeguarding and at least one member of a recruitment panel needs to be appropriately trained in line with safeguarding guidance.
Schools' Personnel Service (SPS) offer a comprehensive suite of safer recruitment training

Their long established, full day training programme focusses on practical measures which enable organisations to deter, reject and prevent unsuitable candidates from working with children. It also covers ongoing employment, how to develop a culture of safe practice; and how to respond positively and swiftly to any causes for concern. This training is approved by the Lucy Faithfull Foundation and the Kent Safeguarding Children Board.
Alongside those designated to take part in recruitment panels, there are obvious benefits to raising awareness of the issues more widely among school leaders and keeping them informed of the school's responsibilities. Therefore, to meet demand for a shortened, unaccredited option, SPS also offer a bespoke Safer Recruitment Awareness Session, providing an introduction to safer recruitment practice for governing bodies and school leaders.
Contact Schools Personnel Service for more information about courses and training taking place this term.