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Emergency planning

Emergency planning pages

Business continuity management
Chalara dieback
Civil Contingencies Act
Emergency contacts
Non emergency number
Rest centres
Winter school closure

Parents and carers trust schools to keep their children safe. Thanks to the efforts of staff and governors, schools normally remain a safe haven for children - but they can become involved in an emergency at any time.

Planning and preparing for emergencies can save lives. It can also help prevent an incident getting worse, protect against litigation and enhance the school's standing as a safe place to learn and work, giving confidence to staff, parents and pupils.

The information on these pages will provide schools with a framework for preparing for and responding to emergency situations. It will also detail how partner agencies and organisations, including Kent County Council, will support any school should they be involved in an incident.

What is an emergency?
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An emergency incident or crisis can be clarified as an unexpected event which affects the school community, and which causes disruption on a scale, which is beyond the normal coping capability of the school.

The emergency incident may involve significant threat, damage or injury to property and individuals, and may have a long-term impact on pupils, staff, governors and parents.

What is emergency planning?
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Emergency planning should aim where possible to prevent emergencies occurring, and when they do occur, good planning should reduce, control or mitigate the effects of the emergency. It is a systematic and ongoing process which should evolve as lessons are learnt and circumstances change.

Information for foundation, trust, voluntary aided and academy schools
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The problems caused by a major emergency that impact on a foundation, trust, voluntary aided or academy school would be the same as that for a local authority school. However, the budget and accountability issues may be different.

Therefore, governing bodies and headteachers of the above type of schools are welcome to follow the procedures and guidance on these webpages. Kent County Council as a 'Category 1' responder has a humanitarian responsibility for the well-being of Kent's residents and would therefore support all schools during a major emergency.

Contact Details
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Tony Harwood, Resilience and Emergencies Manager
01622 675570
Unified Communications Telephone: 03000 41 33 86

For further information, contact the emergency planning team based in Invicta House, Maidstone.
