Service Level Agreement
School Improvement Support Offer
We are very pleased to be able to share the School Improvement Support offer for all LA Maintained, Academies and Free schools. This offer is the product of on-going conversations with Headteachers and reflects national policy initiatives and changes, as well as locally determined priorities. It provides our LA core support which is non-chargeable for all schools and a Service Level Agreement (SLA), which is chargeable, that provides an entitlement and the offer of flexible packages that can be tailored to individual school needs.
All elements of the School Improvement offer, core and chargeable, cover all Key Stages from Early Years through to Key Stage 5.
Our aim is to offer excellent value for money within a quality framework. The most cost effective way of maximising your school's spending power will be to purchase the SLA which provides a wide range of support and enables you to use your credits to meet your school improvement priorities very effectively. Collaborations of schools can talk to their Senior Improvement Adviser (SIA) to use their credits collectively for even greater purchasing power. The School Improvement Service is committed to ensuring that support is well tailored to the needs of schools and individual discussions with Headteachers will determine the content of what is provided. Our service will be monitored and evaluated by outcomes we achieve and quality assured on a regular basis both internally and by externally commissioned reviews. We are committed to working in partnership with schools to support improvement, to deliver an excellent education for the benefit of all children and young people across Kent.
The Service Level Agreement (SLA) for schools includes access to an entitlement menu and schools purchasing it will be allocated a number of credits. Schools can use their credits against any courses run by the School Improvement Team. If schools do not have any credits and sit outside of the agreement they will be billed for delegate attendance.
Type of CPD | Number of Credits | Cost to schools outside SLA |
Twilight Session | 1 | £65.00 |
Half Day | 2 | £100.00 |
Full Day | 3 | £165.00 |
Conference | 3 | £185.00 |
For full details on the SLA please visit EduKent
If you have any questions relating to the SLA please e-mail