How KentChoices supports your pupils

KentChoices is an online prospectus and application system run by Kent County Council's commissioned provider, The Education People. It allows Year 11 learners to search and apply for courses in Kent sixth forms, colleges, apprenticeships and other alternative training. The KentChoices website also provides lots of advice and information for 16 to 19 years olds to help them make their decisions, including:
- Options after Year 11
- Need help finding education, employment or training?
- Become an Apprentice
- School and college open events
- Health and wellbeing
- Workshop and resources
- Frequently asked questions
Resources to support school using the KentChoices website

There are lots of video guides for schools to support staff with using the KentChoices website, including:
- supporting learners
- adding and managing courses
- adding and managing events.
Resources to help teachers support Year 11 learners using KentChoices

- KentChoices Student and Learner Resources - A range of videos for learners to support them with using the KentChoices website.
- The Education People can deliver presentations on Post 16 options to your Year 11 students and their parents and carers. The cost is £50 (excluding VAT). However, if your school receives the four hour free offer, you can utilise your free hours for this delivery. To book an Engagement Officer email
Resources for parents and carers to support their child while using the KentChoices website

- How to use the KentChoices site - A short video explaining how parents and carers can use the KentChoices site.
- Information for Parents and Carers - Including access to recorded information sessions and useful links from across the internet.