Vulnerable Young People
The Skills and Employability Service support all young people aged 14 to 24, including disadvantaged young people, who are at risk of becoming NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training).
We also aim to support all children and young people aged between 14 and 25. Within this group of young people we have a statutory duty to support SEND young people and other groups with disabilities and vulnerabilities. Please see the Inclusion and Special Educational Needs section.
With raising of the participation age in education, Behavioural, Emotional and Social Difficulties (BESD) students are all expected to be in education, training or employment with training in key stage 5. Traditionally these students have found the transition from school to college particularly difficult with an average 60% dropout by Christmas.
We have been working jointly with seven BESD Schools to try to improve the engagement and progression of their learners into KS5, and specifically to reverse the trend of either non-engagement or early drop out. These posts are co-funded by KCC and the schools, and employed directly by the schools involved. Their work is coordinated by the BESD Heads group and KCC Skills and Employability.
All of the staff have been recruited by the schools involved and are all DBS (previously CRB) checked. Most have been seconded into this role from TA duties in the schools - and therefore have a good working knowledge of the schools and a rapport with the young people.