Integrated Children’s Services
Our Vision

We want Kent to be the best place for children and young people to grow up, be educated, supported and safeguarded so that all can flourish and achieve their potential. In order to achieve this we aspire to deliver the best Children’s and Young People’s Services in the country. We aim, therefore, to ensure that our services are:
- fully integrated
- focused on building greater resilience in families
- able to ensure safeguarding for all through effective working across all agencies and partners
- delivered in a responsive and timely way through effective and efficient use of resource
- designed as part of a whole system approach along the continuum of need
- capable of achieving the best outcomes by addressing needs in the right way at the right time
- effective at improving outcomes and having ambitious aspirations for children and young people in the care of the local authority
- ambitious for what all children and young people can achieve in their lives, and for what our staff and volunteers can achieve with them
Key Principles

- We involve children, young people and families
- We strive to improve life chances and build family resilience by using the strengths of families
- Decisions are informed by professional judgement and the working relationship with the child and family
- We ensure that all service delivery and commissioned provision is outcome-focused and informed by evidence-based practice, performance data and evaluation.
Key Work Strands

- Ensure a whole system approach across the range of Integrated Children's Services services in Kent
- Develop effective family focused practice approaches
- Support good health and emotional well-being
- Promote educational and vocational achievement.