Front Door
The new Integrated Front Door is operational from Monday 1 October 2018 to access support for children, young people and families requiring intensive or specialist support at levels 3 and 4.
The Children's Portal replaces the Single Request for Support Form. The new form is intended to be used by professionals making requests for children and families requiring intensive or specialist support at levels 3 and 4 only. Any referrals that do not meet the criteria should be referred to the appropriate service for additional or universal services or consideration given as to whether the identified needs can be met within the referrer’s own service.
The new online Support Levels Guidance (previously the Threshold Document) has been developed in a way which will better assist partner agencies when considering where children, young people and families sit within the continuum of need. The guidance comes with an accompanying Support Levels Guidance sheet (PDF, 376.9 KB) which is a double-sided sheet that is colour coded for ease of use and can be easily downloaded.
Partners should have a discussion with the parents or carers; and with the children and young people where appropriate, before making any request for support to ensure that they are aware of any worries or concerns that you have and to be given the opportunity to discuss solutions with you. This should inform your decision as to whether to complete a Single Request for Support Form or whether there are alternative sources of support available that might be more suitable.
The parent/guardian’s agreement to engage with Kent Children’s Social Work and Early Help teams should be sought before discussing a ‘Request for Support’ about them with other agencies, unless this may itself place a child at risk of significant harm. A completed copy of the form should be shared with the family and the family should be aware that the Request for Support Form will be used to determine the most appropriate advice and support for the them, and for the planning and evaluation of this support. Please see the guidance on Children's Portal user guidance (PDF, 589.8 KB).
If completing the form, it is important that partners provide all the relevant information. The quality of the information received will enable the Front Door team to direct the request to the most appropriate service where the criteria is met - an Early Help Unit or Children’s Social Work Team.
Front Door webinar

The webinar provides information about the Integrated Front Door, Support Level Guidance, making Requests for Support and contact details for District Conversations.
Please note: where children's centres or youth hubs are mentioned in this webinar, these are now family hubs.
Child Protection or Immediate Safeguarding concerns

If there are concerns that a child may be suffering significant harm, the Single Request for Support Form should be completed and immediately submitted to the Front Door. The relevant sections on the uploading tool and within the form itself indicating that there is an immediate safeguarding concern should be completed.
Requests for intensive support or consultations

Where the referrer feels that a high level of support is needed for a child, young person, these requests should be sent to the Front Door without prior telephone discussion, unless a professional consultation is considered necessary. If you feel that a consultation is necessary, an initial consultation should take place with your Designated Safeguarding Lead prior to any consultation with a Social Worker at the Front Door.
Sufficient information

Every effort must be made to complete the form as fully as possible as this will make it easier for decisions about the eligibility and urgency of the referral to be made. Insufficient information may lead to delay as further enquires are made.

Any additional reports or documents can be uploaded in addition to the Single Request for Support Form via the uploading tool. If reports are uploaded, please ensure that the consent of the author has been obtained.
Third parties

Information about third parties should only be included if it is directly relevant to the referral and there is agreement to do so.
Parent and child views

These may be included and are helpful in being able to determine what service may be appropriate but care must be taken not to ‘interview’ either parents or children about the substance of any concern where it is possible that a criminal offence may have been committed.
Legal Proceedings

Those completing the Single Request for Support Form should be aware that the contents may be used should legal proceeding be instigated.