Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND)
SEND Information Hub
(Kent's Local Offer) - Website with information, advice and support for families with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), aged 0-25.
SEND Training and Support
Training information and materials for Kent SEND staff and information and guidance around SEND support in Kent.
Kent SEND teams and their roles
SEND area teams contact details with some additional information and a link to further SEND service contacts.
Education, Health and Care
Education Health and Care Needs Assessment information, the Kent EHC Plan template and Annual Review information, guidance and documentation.
SEND Documents
SEND Policy, Forms and DFE Guidance, Mainstream Core Standards (MCS), the Kent SEND Strategy and the SEND Privacy Notice.
Kent Portage
Home visit service for pre-school children with additional needs.
SEND Health Support
Information, guidance and forms for supporting pupils with medical conditions and support and training for schools by the Kent Community Health Service.
Transitioning into adult social care
Guidance for young people as they transition to adult social care.
Mediation and Resolution
Mediation and Resolution
Emporium and the Disability Access Fund (DAF)
Disability Access Fund is funding support for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. Emporium is an educational resource loan service.
The Balanced System® in Kent for Speech Language and Communication Needs (SLCN)
Information for Speech Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) and The Balanced System® in Kent.
Autism Education Trust (AET)
The AET are supported by the Department for Education offering education professionals training to support autistic children and young people aged 0 to 25.
Specialist Teaching and Learning Services (STLS)
Specialist teachers provide support and advice to Kent Early Years settings and mainstream schools for children and young adults with additional needs
Special Educational Needs Inclusion Fund (SENIF)
SENIF is a statutory requirement made available to enable settings supporting pre-school children with special educational needs to secure better outcomes.
SEND in Further Education
Useful information and links about Further Education for those aged 16+ with SEND.
We want to hear from you
Contact details to feedback about the Kelsi website pages as well as the processes of the Kent SEND service.