Revised Appendix 1 for Education, Health and Care (EHC) Needs Assessment Requests
Appendix 1 and the Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) template:
Section A of an EHC plan
Section A is a really important Section of an EHC plan as it records a summary of the Child or Young Person’s views and wishes and their aspirations for their future.
Section A forms the basis of the whole EHC plan.
The main source of information for Section A is from the advice and information form completed by the CYP and their parent /carer. This form is called Appendix 1.
Appendix 1- Voice of the Child/Young Person and Parent and Carer’s Forms
KCC have two different forms (1A and 1B) that make up Appendix 1.
Appendix 1A captures the views, wishes and aspirations of the child and young person.
Appendix 1B captures the views, wishes feelings and aspirations parents/carers have for their children and young people.
Both Appendix 1A and 1B are linked to KCC’s Outcomes Framework. This framework is based on what is important for children, young people, their families, and the services that support them.
Child/ Young Person’s Voice
There are several different templates of Appendix 1A available, to make it as accessible to as many children and young people as possible.
The templates have been uploaded, in Microsoft Word format. Parents, Schools and Settings can edit them for their settings and individual pupils.
Written below is a rough guide which shows the stage at which the pupil is working; so that parents and school staff can signpost children/ young people to the correct form for their developmental stage.
Appendix 1A can be printed or can be completed electronically.
Appendix 1A is really important to complete as soon as a request is made for statutory Education Health and Care Needs Assessment. It gives understanding about the C/YP’s needs and wishes which helps other professionals know the child better and the LA to be able to make their decisions.
Appendix 1A should be completed before of the Annual Review Meeting which is held within the educational setting so that professionals can use child/young person’s voice to inform progress, outcomes and provision in the Annual Review Meeting.
Pathway 1: This form is most suitable for children who are working within the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and/or with children with significant learning difficulties.
Pathway 2: This form may be most suitable, but it is not limited to children working and achieving at KS1 and KS2 levels.
Pathway 3: This form may be most suitable, but it is not limited to children working and achieving at KS3 and KS4 levels.
Pathway 4: This form may be most suitable, but it is not limited to young people who are Post-16.
Parent/Carer Voice
If an educational setting is making a request for EHCNA it would be useful if there was a completed Appendix1B sent at the same time as the request.
Parents / carers should be sent Appendix 1b (Parent / Carer Voice) by the educational setting, at least two weeks prior to the Annual Review Meeting.
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