Developing the wider workforce
The SEND strategy identified four workforce development strands. These are a framework for CPD to influence at a strategic level the culture and practice, Person Centred Approaches and two strands being delivered through the commissioning arrangements with Kent Special Schools; Outreach locally based training offer.
Framework for CPD to influence at a strategic level the culture and practice
We have identified ten pilot study groups testing out the best way of increasing capacity through a process which will form the CPD framework. This approach is cross phase, cross discipline study groups following a process using two accredited pathways for organisations; the IQM and the CPLD Quality Mark.
IQM: An evaluative framework which supports organisational self-assessment. Assessment aims to validate the school's self-evaluation judgements over eight elements which deal with all practical aspects of school life. Telephone and email support is offered to participants. It was established in 2004; over 5500 schools are engaged in the award, which lasts for 3 years. It is externally assessed and moderated. It recognises and celebrates the work in schools to be inclusive.
CPLD: Continuing Professional Learning Development Quality Mark is a blend of best practice from Investors in People, research into CPD from the TDA and pilot work with school leaders. It comprises a development toolkit and an Assessment & Accreditation process with links to Ofsted
In addition Canterbury Christchurch University has agreed to provide an accredited and recognised pathway for staff to have their prior learning recognised as well as crediting individuals for their personal contributions - CPD. Kent is the first LA in the country to use these
frameworks alongside a University accreditation.
The pilot groups involve schools, FE and the voluntary sector to cover the breadth of 0-25, and focus on early years, ASD, BESN. The frameworks begin with self evaluation. The pilots will share the learning through their involvement in local LIFTS and we will formally publicise their experiences.
Participants using the framework will access the consultancy and advice which is offered by the Education Psychology Service, school improvements and through KASS.
Person centred approach
We are working with Achievement For All because of their expertise in developing a structured conversation to develop a tool kit for Local Authority SEN staff working with families to have a greater understanding of the skills needed for effective person centred communication. We will be rolling out the first training in March 2014. After evaluation, we will look at how to extend the number of staff and the range of disciplines that this can be extended to.
The strands led by KASS
Outreach to support pupils in mainstream
This is our approach to district based support and advice around individual children and includes approaches such as Early Bird. The SLA holding special schools have established a range of networking groups by dimension e.g ASD, BESN and sensory. This will help co-ordinate across the County, access to specialist advice and effective practice.
A locally based training offer (SLA holding schools for the STLS)
Schools and settings are able to access training from Smile Centres within their district, from the STLS training delivery programme and commissioned training for specific needs e.g. mobility training from the Kent Association for the Blind.
Each district has developed a core training offer which will address ASD and BESN and includes packages that arise from the LIFT, core training to support the core standards, targeted/personalised training e.g. positive handling, bespoke training for low incidence SEND and training which has a national framework such as Language for Learning, NATSIP, SENSE MSI.
The STLS training working party has been working on a county wide approach to the offer and the cost of training courses.
The locally based training offer is in addition to the CPD online programme offered through the school improvement service.
Training materials
NASEN (National Association of Special Educational Needs) is soon to launch an online resource 'SEND Gateway'.
NASEN currently holds the links for all the Inclusion Development Programme documents, the Lamb training materials and the SALT (speech & language therapy) training materials as well as their own online training materials 'A Whole School Approach to Improving Access, Participation and Achievement'.
On 21 May 2014 this facility is to be significantly expanded to provide a 'One Stop Shop' - 'SEND Gateway' which will:
- bring together existing national training materials and resources to make them accessible from one central platform
- promote access to resources researched and published by the voluntary and community sector
- provide online training facilities provide online forum facilities
This resource offers, often free, support for Kent's Continuous Professional Development proposals.