Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) Information Hub
Support available to families

Please refer families who have children or young people with SEND to the SEND Information Hub website. They will able to access information, advice and support around the needs of their children and young people. This includes information about what support is available in different settings, health and wellbeing information, engagement opportunities and lots more.
Local Offer Directory
The Local Offer Directory can be accessed from the homepage of the SEND Information Hub website. This is a database of activities, events and support services available to families with children or young people with SEND, aged 0 to 25 in their local communities. It will allow families to directly find local activities, events or support which may be beneficial to them.
Key partners

Information, Advice and Support Kent (IASK)
Information Advice and Support Kent (IASK) gives free, impartial and confidential information, advice and support about special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) for children, young people up to age 25, and parents and carers. This is to help make informed choices about their education with help to communicate views and opinions confidently.
IASK will be able to support parents and young people with the EHC needs assessment process if needed.
Kent Parents and Carers Together (Kent PACT)
Kent PACT (parents and carers together) is a forum for parents and carers of children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) with the aim to make sure services provided by education, health and care meet the standard and need for children with SEND and their families. Kent PACT is about empowering parent and carers and giving them the chance to have their voices heard.
Kent PACT may be able to help families if they have any questions or concerns with support for their children or young people.
Please feel free to share our SEND Information Document with parents and carers, this gives a brief description on the SEND Information Hub website and the key partners as well as provides them with links to the relevant websites.
Please feel free to share our SEND Information Hub leaflet with any families or partners you work with. This summarises what information can be found on the website and local offer directory.
If you have any questions about or suggestions for the SEND Information Hub website please do contact the team:
Email: yourvoice2@kent.gov.uk