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Information for families

If your early years setting is supporting a child who has special educational needs (SEN) and have requested or are already receiving Special Educational Needs Inclusion Funding (SENIF) to assist them with their learning, please use the leaflets below to provide information to the parents or family on how the funding and the support from a SENIF Practitioner could be delivered to support their child.

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For information on how your child’s setting will be supporting them please refer to the Best Practice Guidance leaflet (PDF, 808.5 KB).

In addition to the above there is further information available for families and carers on the SEND Information Hub, Kent's Local Offer.

If a parent or family would like help regarding the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) support their child is receiving, or if they need advice on any aspect of their child’s SEND, they can contact the Information Advice and Support Service for Kent (IASK) who are a confidential and impartial service for children, young people and parents and carers. The IASK website has a wealth of information and advice.


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If you have any feedback you would like to give or have any queries about this page then please do visit our we want to hear from you page to find relevant contact details.