Communication and language in the early years
Language is the key to learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and beyond. The acquisition of language is the single most important and complex skill a child learns in their first five years. It is one of the biggest predictors of success for children as they move on to school and later in life.
Prime Importance of Communication and Language Training

- One day, face to face training.
- Co-delivered by Early Years and Childcare Equality and Inclusion Team and Speech and Language Therapy Teams.
- Bookable through The Education People website
- Funded by KCC for delegates from Kent-based PVI settings, including childminders and Kent maintained nurseries.
Let's Talk Together

Let's Talk Together is a new free resource now available.
- Aimed at supporting families in creating communication friendly homes.
- Supports families in understanding the role they play in helping young children to develop the foundations of language.
- Available to download in the following languages, English, Punjabi, Dari, Polish, Romanian and Nepalese.
- Offering lots of practical strategies and top tips, including using low or no cost items, for example, creating story sacks.
Free marketing posters are also available to download and share with families.
Nurturing responsive interactions

Children learn best when they have plenty of opportunities to engage in ‘back-and-forth’ interactions.
Watch TED Talks Molly Wright’ How every child can thrive by five’. A thought-provoking presentation by seven-year-old Molly who discusses the latest scientific research and highlights the importance of back-and-forth interactions and how they help a child’s brain development.
- Responsive Interaction - Observation of Practitioner Skills (DOC, 61.5 KB)
- Top Techniques Advisory Poster - Speech and Language UK
Supporting families

To have the best impact on a child’s development, we need to support families to ensure children are having high quality opportunities to practice their communication skills at home too.
There is a wealth of resources available to support all adults (practitioners and families) to understand how we can best support the early stages of children’s communication skills (see useful links at the bottom of this page).
- Top Tips for Supporting Families - C and L Development
- Signposting Families to Useful Websites – C&L Development
- Working with Parents to Support Children's Learning – Education Endowment Fund
- Enhancing Family Involvement Toolkit - The Education People
- Universally Speaking - Information booklet for families with an overview of the ages and stages of children’s communication development from birth to 5 years.
- BBC Tiny Happy People
- NHS Better Health Start for Life

What is Makaton?
Makaton is a language programme that uses speech together with non-verbal signs and symbols to communicate. Makaton is designed to support basic functional communication using everyday vocabulary.
Who Uses Makaton?
Makaton is used by over 100,000 children and adults, either as a main method of communication or to support speech. People of all ages and abilities can and do use Makaton, including those who are in the early stages of their language development, who have English as an additional language or have communication difficulties. It is not just for individuals, everyone around them from family members, friends, education, and health professionals also use Makaton.
- The Makaton Charity 'free resources'
- Singing Hands
- CBeebies Something Special
- Mr Tumble Nursery Rhymes - a popular compilation of signed nursery rhymes.
Paediatric Speech and Language Therapy Websites

There is a wealth of information, ideas and support on the Speech and Language Therapy Team’s websites.
- Kent Community Health Trust - Children's Therapies - The Pod
- East Kent Hospital Trust (Ashford, Folkstone, Hythe, Dover and Deal)
- Medway Community Healthcare (Swale)
Useful links

- Speech and Language UK
- National Literacy Trust
- The Book Trust
- Elizabeth Jarman - Communication Friendly Spaces