Inclusive practice in the early years
Statutory Framework and Equality Act

Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) states that:
The EYFS seeks to provide:
- equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practice, ensuring that every child is included and supported.
The Equality and Inclusion Team can support early years and childcare providers to review provision and practice to ensure that all children do well, that children at risk of delay, children from disadvantaged backgrounds, and children with SEND achieve the best possible outcomes.
Early years inspection handbook for Ofsted-registered provision for September 2021, Introduction, paragraph 13:
‘We recognise that the disruption to learning caused by the pandemic may have impacted on what children know, remember and can do. This could result in some children having a wider than usual range of starting points and gaps in their knowledge. Inspectors will pay close attention to how providers identify and address any of these delays and gaps’.
All early years providers have duties under the Equality Act 2010. Early years providers must promote equality of opportunity and make reasonable adjustments to meet the needs of children e.g. removing physical barriers. Providers also have an anticipatory duty to ensure that they are well prepared in advance to include children into their setting with SEND and their parents.
Council for Disabled Children document:
Guidance on when to refer and to which service

Contact details can change so this information will be regularly updated (as necessary).
- The one stop document supporting inclusive provision in the early years (PDF, 745.5 KB)
- Guidance on when to refer and which service may be most appropriate (DOCX, 76.6 KB)
Supporting children with medical conditions in early years settings

- Frequently asked questions (DOCX, 36.8 KB)
- Individual healthcare plan (DOCX, 54.3 KB) a suggested format
- Template letter for parents explaining admission for children with medical needs (DOCX, 13.8 KB)
- Training record - medical intervention (DOCX, 16.6 KB)
A useful link to health protection in schools and other childcare facilities
Resources and training to promote diversity in the early years and to help you talk with young children about race

Promoting Equality for all - Showing respect for and valuing all communities. Black Lives Matter.
As educators, we all need to learn to embrace the uncomfortable and understand that we might get it wrong. It is important to take a proactive approach, being able to educate ourselves, acknowledge racial differences and recognise unconscious bias that we all have within us.
More information, resources and details of support available through The Education People including:
- Black History Month - Resource Pack available
- Black History Month - Useful Links and Resources
We would encourage staff, parents, carers and stakeholders to utilise the resources provided; to be aware of, and peacefully stand against, racism; to be race conscious; and treat all people, irrespective of skin colour, race or gender equally and fairly.
Supporting bereaved young children in early years settings

Small Steps is a support guide for pre-school settings to help a child with their first steps in their grieving journey. This document is available either online or a hard copy through The Education People website
Supporting Children in Care (CIC) in early years settings

We have worked with Virtual Schools Kent (VSK) to produce this information leaflet. It gives you the names and contact details of staff in your area, and more information about how you can best meet the needs of the child or children in care (CIC) in your setting.
The leaflet will support you to:
- become involved in the Personal Education Plan (ePEP)
- access additional funding - Early Years Pupil Premium Funding (EYPP)
- respond to parents who request an Early Years Plan for Adopted Children (EYPAC).
Supporting Previously Looked After Children (PLAC) in early years settings

VSK's Previously Looked After Children team (PLAC) is an advisory service. It is their aim to advise and provide information to parents and guardians, educational settings and all other relevant professionals who are involved in supporting the children to promote their well-being, educational achievement and engagement.
Please refer to this leaflet (PDF, 557.1 KB)for further information on how VSK PLAC team can support and advise your parents, guardians and setting.
You can also contact the Equality and Inclusion Team for advice and support with meeting the needs of children in care. Use the electronic Equality and Inclusion request form to get in touch with us.
Useful links

- Early Help
- Equality Diversity Inclusion Team (EDIT) training, visits, products and services to support with children with English as an additional language (EAL), Gypsy, Roma and Travellers, LGBT and more.
- Makaton 'free resources'
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