Integrated Review at Two
Kent County Council (KCC), The Education People and Kent Community Health Foundation Trust (KCHFT) have worked together to develop an Integrated Review at Two Pathway for Kent.
Both Early Years and Health have statutory responsibilities and obligations to provide developmental checks on children when they reach the age of two.
The Kent Integrated Review at Two process brings together the Healthy Child Programme Health and Development Review at age two to two and a half and the Early Years Foundation Stage Progress Check at Age Two to support a ‘tell it once’ approach.
Education - the EYFS progress check at age two

The learning and development requirements of the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) state that:
"When a child is aged between two and three, practitioners must review their progress, and provide parents and/or carers with a short written summary of their child's development in the prime areas." (Section 2.6, 2024).
- Progress check at age two guidance
- The Education People The Early Years Foundation Stage Child Progress Check at Two webinar
Completing the EYFS progress check at age two

The check should be completed by the setting that the child spends the most time in. It is a statutory requirement for the provider to share the progress check with the parent(s). There is no prescribed format for the EYFS progress check at age two summary. Each setting can decide on its own progress check format, but as a minimum it must include a short written summary of the child's development in the prime areas; the summary must identify the child's strengths and areas for improvement.
Kent Progress Check at Age Two format (PDF, 209.3 KB) will enable the key person to collate all the relevant information required.
Settings should record the outcome of the EYFS progress check in the child’s Red Book on the designated page titled ‘2-2 ½ year Integrated review – Early Years Foundation Stage progress check’.
Health - Health and Development Review

Health and Development Reviews are part of the Healthy Child Programme. This is a universal offer, which means it is offered to all families, and families choose whether to take it up. The Reviews are carried out between two to two-and-a-half years but ideally carried out as soon as possible.
Health Visitors record a summary of their Health and Development Review on the relevant page in the Red Book.
Working in an integrated way (IR2)

When these two developmental checks are brought together, we call this The Integrated Review at Two. In Kent there is an expectation that all reviews at two are integrated in this way. This Integrated Review forms an important part of early identification.
The integrated approach is about maximising the opportunities to share information and work together to ensure concerns are identified and actioned as early as possible.
The Red Book is the location to record The Integrated Review.
There are three different pathways for the IR2 in Kent.
To support and guide implementation please see the following resources:
- Early Years settings Quick Guide to the IR2 pathways (DOCX, 69.0 KB)
- Integrated Review at Two Scenarios PowerPoint (PPTX, 1.7 MB)
- The Education People Integrated Review at Two webinar
- Health Visiting Ages and Stages Questionnaire webinar - scroll down to two to two-and-a-half years
- Integrated Review at Two Meeting Guide for Families (DOCX, 369.7 KB)
Complete a referral for an Integrated Review at Two meeting or request a package of care
For additional details of the full process please see:
Contact details for local Health visiting teams:
- Ashford - 0300 123 3092 -
- Canterbury and Coastal - 0300 7900 156 -
- Dartford - 0300 123 2075 -
- Dover - 0300 1233018 -
- Gravesend - 0300 123 2076 -
- Maidstone - 0300 555 0506 -
- Sevenoaks, Swanley and Edenbridge - 0300 123 4497 -
- Shepway - 0300 123 1240 -
- Swale - 0300 123 4014 -
- Thanet - 0300 013 4740 -
- Tonbridge and Malling - 0300 1233041 and 0300 1233017 -
- Tunbridge Wells - 0300 790 0243 -
Duty Health Visitor referrals

We are currently working together with our health partners to develop stronger links and working practices. As part of the ongoing monitoring of this work we are asking settings to let the Equality and Inclusion Team know when the SENCO or Manager has made a referral to the Health Duty line. This can be completed using this Duty Health log form
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