Kent and Medway Communication and Assistive Technology Service
About us

The Kent and Medway Communication and Assistive Technology (KM CAT) Service provides a regional service specialist multi-disciplinary assessment, intervention and review of specialist communication and Assistive Technology (AT) for children and young people. The Kent CAT Service provides intervention based on a hub and spoke model in response to national NHS England changes for specialist AAC (Alternative Augmentative Communication) services. This means that at a 'hub' level, we provide services and facilities to a wider regional community in addition to children and young people in Kent.
The KM CAT Service is an established AAC service and although there are some changes to the organisation of service delivery, the purpose of the KM CAT Service remains: 'We explore communication and assistive technology solutions that enable and empower children and young people (CYP) and those who support them. Our focus is on the CYP’s inclusion, independence and wellbeing'
To explain more about our service we have two short videos that you can view below:
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KMCAT who we are from Kent Community Health on Vimeo.
The KM CAT Service operates a single point referral system to access the different interventions available from the service which are:

A specialist multi-disciplinary approach to an assessment, intervention and review of a child or young person's AAC and AT needs. The assessment may lead to:
- The selection and provision of specialist assistive technology.
- A loan to explore effectiveness of potential provision of specialist assistive technology.
Assessments may be offered that will not provide equipment. These assessments will:
- Provide the KM CAT Service staff with an opportunity to explore complex communication in more detail.
- Not lead to provision at that particular time in the child or young person's development.
Specialist clinical engineering and technical support is provided which includes repair and maintenance to any equipment provided by the KM CAT Service.

The KM CAT Service may offer a consultation where professionals, school staff and parents attend a meeting with a multi-disciplinary team from the KM CAT Service. This meeting provides advice, information and next steps in an action plan which will be distributed at the end of the meeting. The majority of consultations will be held at the KM CAT Service in Ashford.
To find out how to refer to the Kent CAT service.

The KM CAT Service provides regular training opportunities at our base in Ashford, for AAC and AT related knowledge and skills support.
Bespoke training relating to AAC and AT strategies in school settings can be requested if there is a need for training to be tailored and delivered specifically for a setting, school or group. Bespoke training is chargeable to and each session will be priced individually to reflect the format, content and needs of the group.
To find out more about training.
Shared Voices

The KM CAT service offers additional support for children and families accessing the service through our Shared Voices group. At the point a referral is accepted onto our caseload, information will be provided to the families about the details dates and locations of the group meetings.
To find out more about Shared Voices.
Contact us

Contact us for more information about our service (Children and Adults) advice, directions or to request information in an alternative format.