Kent CAT Service events
The KM CAT Service offers events for professionals for informal information, advice and networking.
Assembly Days
Assembly Days are FREE and are aimed at professionals working with children using alternative and augmentative communication and assistive technology. The day is facilitated by the KM CAT professionals looking to incorporate both educational and health based topics and may include specialist guest speakers.
Delegates who attended the last Assembly Day in March 2015 provided the following feedback:
- "A hands on experience of what is available and plenty of new ideas to explore"
- "A greater understanding of AAC"
- "Some great new ideas to give it a try in a School setting"
- "It has increased my knowledge of communication books/charts, as I have limited previous knowledge and experience on designing them."
The Next Assembly Day is planned for Monday 12 November 2015. For more information and to book your place, please open the flyer by clicking on the link below or email us to be added to the mailing list. For our email address please visit the Contact Us page.
Assembly Day Flyer Monday 12 November 2015
Communication Matters Roadshow
The KM CAT Service is pleased to announce that we will be hosting a Communication Matters (CM) Roadshow on Monday 18 April 2016. Please are limited so you will need to book a place, for more information about the day or how to book your place, please click on the link below to open the flyer.
Communication Matters Roadshow Flyer Monday 18 April 2016 (PDF, 460.5 KB)